Faithful to Forgive
Posted 2/24/2007
God is faithful
- To keep his promises
- To forgive us
- To give us joy and peace
- Moving the ark to the temple (1-9)
- Gathering everybody together (1-5)
- Placing the ark in the temple (6-9)
- God's glory fills the temple (10-11)
- In a cloud
- Unbearable to the priests
- Solomon declares God's faithfulness (12-21)
- He will dwell in a cloud
- He will place David over Israel
- He will place David's son on the throne
- He will let David's son build a house for him
- He will preserve His covenant
- Solomon prays to God, pleading for forgiveness and repentance (22-53)
- Please keep the line on the throne, if they obey
- Before making request, praising God for who He is (27-30)
- Situations for forgiveness:
- Sinning against each other
- Reconciliation must come before service
- Consequences for hiding or repenting
- Defeat in battle
- Turn, confess, pray, supplicate
- Hear and forgive!
- Restore to the land
- No physical provision
- Pray, confess, turn
- Hear and forgive, and teach the way
- Provide
- Plague and sickness
- Heart sickness is often the source of all the trouble
- Know our hearts
- Hear, forgive, and give according to our hearts
- Unsaved
- Hear of a God mighty to save
- Pray
- Hear, do
- Sinning during battle
- Going where sent by God
- There is no man who does not sin
- Sin makes God angry, and punishment is a result!
- Repent, supplication, confessing sin, return whole-heartedly
- Hear, forgive, have compassion
- We are consecrated for His will!
- Thanking God for His faithfulness (54-61)
- He has given rest
- He has kept His promise completely
- He has not forsaken us
- Commitment (57-65)
- Stay with us!
- Keep our hearts!
- Walk in His way!
- There is no other God!
- Be devoted to God!
- Joyful and glad for all the goodness of the Lord (66)
- He has shown it - watch for it!