Posted 4/19/2008 11:39:08 PM
Romans 2
- Reserved for those who are free from guilt in like matters Rom 2:1; Ps 50:16-23
- Without partiality (showing favor to more desirable people) Rom 2:11; De 10:17; 2Co 5:10; Rev 20:12
- By works, not words Rom 2:6; Jer 17:10; Gal 6:7-8; Joh 5:28-29; Rom 2:6-10
- According to what you know Rom 2:12; Lu 12:47
- Rom 2:12 - Can you be saved without knowing Jesus? Joh 14:6; Act 4:12
- Rom 2:7 - Is eternal life dependent on what we do? Eph 2:8-9; Rom 3:28
- Rom 2:17 - How do you really know you're saved? Rom 8:16; Jas 2:14-26
- It's not the outside appearance that matters, it's the heart and the actions it drives Rom 2:28-29
- Stubbornly rejecting God builds up more punishment for you when the judgment comes Rom 2:5
- God's judgment is held off by his wealth of kindness, forbearance, and patience, to give us time to repent! Rom 2:4
- Romans doesn't end with chapter 2! The discussion continues vitally in subsequent chapters with what salvation is truly all about.