It's All About People
Posted 6/16/2003 8:23:12 AM
Paul finishes up the book of Romans with the customary greetings. For never having visited Rome, he sure knows a whole lot of people there. For good reason, these people have powerful testimonies for Christ: Rom 16:19,1-16
- Helper of many: Phoebe
- Risking their lives: Prisca and Aquila
- Beloved first convert: Epaenetus
- Hard worker: Mary
- Prisoners, relatives, outstanding men: Andronicus and Junias
- Beloved in the Lord: Ampliatus
- Fellow worker: Urbanus
- Beloved: Stachys
- Approved in Christ: Apelles
- Relative: Herodion
- In the Lord: Household of Narcissus
- Workers in the Lord: Tryphaena and Tryphosa
- Beloved hard worker in the Lord: Persis
- Choice man and woman: Rufus and his mother
Yet, he sees the need for one more warning. Despite the strength of these, and many other, people, there are others who are equally as motivated to tear apart the body of Christ Rom 16:17 and satisfy their own selfish ambitions Rom 16:18. Leaving the battle up to God Rom 16:20, our goal is to become "wise in what is good, and innocent in what is evil" Rom 16:19.
Make your own testimony strong enough to be an example for what is wise and right.