
Posted 12/17/2003 11:42:47 AM

What it is about the future that's so appealing? For most of us, there is always the promise of a better tomorrow, a new beginning, something to look forward to. Yesterday is gone, today is not right, but tomorrow - just wait and see! Everything will be OK then. Lack of hope brings on such a dark and dismal attitude, that life is hardly worth living.

This is the great difference that Jesus makes. He gives all the reason to live each day in grateful service, and when this life is over He guarantees that fellowship will continue.

Right from the start, Jesus' birth brought great hope; hope of peace on earth, of people actually getting along. Many hoped He would be a mighty warrior king, and make peace by force. Others understood the condition of their souls, and longed for the Savior to bring peace to the turmoil in their hearts. Christ indeed brought what they hoped for, conquering death and sin in one victorious blow! His battle was won, and His gift, freely offered, is now available to bring the promised peace and goodwill.

What do you want, what are you hoping for? What are you reaching toward? What kind of success do you hope to attain?

Are you hoping for the same things as Jesus' followers and disciples during his ministry: a full stomach, an important job, recognition before others? Or is your life driven by spiritual desires: pleasing God, growing fruit, gaining heavenly treasures?

Think about it, what's really inside you?